Do you want to get paid faster? Get paid quickly and securely by providing an online payment option to your clients! Read More...
Not all software companies are the same. There are many companies that release new versions of their software with minimal testing. Some companies may not even have a department that does formal testing of software enhancements, and instead rely on their customers to report any problems. Tabs3 and PracticeMaster software is different. Read More...
Not only can you easily search for any actions, file, or report in the software via Search Actions, but you can also customize the Quick Launch pane to always show your most used actions and most accessed client matters! Read More...
We redesigned the Recap of Hours for Version 19, and included it on the new PracticeMaster Dashboard. Want to see how you can take advantage of this great feature? Read More...
We added a couple of new features to the Print Checks process in Version 19! Read More...
Did you know that PracticeMaster has a new dashboard in Version 19? The dashboard makes it easy to see your calendar for the day, your upcoming tasks, and a quick recap of the time you entered. Read More...