When was the last time you backed up your Tabs3 and PracticeMaster data and tested the viability of your backup? If your firm had to restore from a backup right now, would any data be lost? Regular backups are critical for your firm to make and maintain properly.   Read More...

Beginning with Version 2020, Tabs3 Billing and Trust Accounting Software (TAS) supports integration with LawPay for electronic processing of payments, client funds deposits, and trust deposits.   Read More...

You access sensitive client information on a daily basis, and may even have access to information that others in the firm do not. You know that maintaining client confidentiality is crucial, but who might have access to all of that data?   Read More...

Feature Article: NetDocuments

September 2019    Tags: , ,
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PracticeMaster now directly integrates with NetDocuments cloud-based document management service! Clients added or modified in PracticeMaster, Tabs3, or Trust Accounting are automatically synchronized to NetDocuments.   Read More...

Not all software companies are the same. There are many companies that release new versions of their software with minimal testing. Some companies may not even have a department that does formal testing of software enhancements, and instead rely on their customers to report any problems. Tabs3 and PracticeMaster software is different.   Read More...

Did you know that software updates are included with maintenance at no additional charge? Our maintenance plan is best known for its first class technical support; however, there are more benefits to having maintenance!   Read More...