Did you know that there are several ways of filtering your reports and statements so that you only see the data you want to see?   Read More...

If you need to find data in PracticeMaster based on just a word or phrase, we have you covered! There are several ways to search in PracticeMaster to find what you need.   Read More...

Feature Article: Form Designer

February 2018    Tags: ,
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A common task when beginning to use the software is adding a new field to a file. PracticeMaster allows you to customize the software and add the fields that you need.   Read More...

There are several ways to customize how you store data in PracticeMaster. When you need a way to add multiple records of the same type for your client, Common Client Related Files are a great way to go!   Read More...

The Data File Integrity Check (DFIC) and Archive File Integrity Check (AFIC) are important tools used to test data files for valid information and structure.   Read More...

Feature Article: Update Statements

April 2017    Tags: ,
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We recommend updating statements on a regular basis, but why is that? What does the Update Statements program actually do?   Read More...

Feature Article: Statement Notes

November 2016    Tags: ,
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Are there additional notes that you want to add to statements for one or more clients? There are multiple areas in Tabs3 Billing to enter notes that can then be shown on statements for a single client, a group of clients, or all clients.   Read More...

It’s Friday the 13th and, true to the superstition surrounding the date, nothing is going right today. You keep working but are amassing a list of things gone wrong.   Read More...