Tabs3 version 18 has been released, and update notifications have been sent to all eligible users! There are many great new features in Version 18!   Read More...

We've changed our newsletter format! Read more on the different features available on our newsletter website.   Read More...

Did you know that you can easily split fees and costs between multiple matters in Tabs3 Billing? The Split Billing program provides the ability to enter fees and costs once, but have multiple matters pay for them.   Read More...

Feature Article: Duplicate User IDs

January 2016    Tags:
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You open the software and enter your User Name and Password, only to see the message  “Duplicate User IDs were found.”   Read More...

You’ve heard about Platinum, but haven’t had time to look into it yet. Now you wonder if your firm should take action now, before it’s too late. You’ve heard the horror stories whispered around the water cooler; you try to shake off the cold chill as you walk back to your desk – is that just air conditioning, or premonition? The following stories wend their way through your thoughts for the rest of the day…   Read More...

Creating form letters, documents, and contracts for clients can be time consuming, and using mail merge is limited by field availability in Word or Outlook. PracticeMaster’s Word Document Assembly is the solution! Word Document Assembly lets you instantly assemble documents that you frequently use.   Read More...

Have you ever wondered how to make your statements stand out to clients? Have you wanted to add additional fields to your statements? You can do both by using Statement Designer! Statement Designer enables you to design custom letterhead, cover letters, statements, invoices, and envelopes.   Read More...

Did you know that you can add tabs to the Client file, Contact file, and Journal file that are specific to an Area of Practice, Contact Category, or Journal Type? These tabs are called Category Pages. Category Pages are a special type of page that is only shown in the Editor window when the selected client or record is associated with that category. You can use the Form Designer to design how the pages will look.   Read More...