Do you manually add every calendar record individually for events that repeat on a regular basis? Save time by using PracticeMaster’s Recurring Dates feature! Read More...
Is it time to review billing rates? The Client Rate Report allows you print a list of clients, along with their default billing rates. Read More...
Do you need a report that shows one or more clients’ billing histories, as well as a way to track the client’s balances due? Look no further than the Client Ledger Report! Read More...
PracticeMaster’s Report Writer is a powerful report creation utility, which allows you to pull information from any record in PracticeMaster and format the output as needed. This allows you to create virtually any report you need out of the system. Read More...
During a typical monthly billing cycle, many steps are performed that lead to the production of statements. Once statements have been produced in their final form and sent to clients, do you follow the recommended steps to close the month in Tabs3? Read More...
Did you know that you can convert calendar, e-mail, note, phone, research, timer, and document records into fees? This allows you to easily bill your client for the time spent on their matter. Read More...