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Did you know that you can add tabs to the Client file, Contact file, and Journal file that are specific to an Area of Practice, Contact Category, or Journal Type? These tabs are called Category Pages. Category Pages are a special type of page that is only shown in the Editor window when the selected client or record is associated with that category. You can use the Form Designer to design how the pages will look.   Read More...

Need to jot something down about a matter after meeting with a client? Want to record information about a billable phone call? Find a great website that applies to a case that you don’t want to lose? All of these can be recorded and associated with the desired matter right away, even when you’re not at your computer.   Read More...

Did you know that you can quickly and easily locate your serial number and version from within the software? When calling technical support, have your serial number and version ready to help expedite the call.   Read More...

Did you know that if you want to change the date and/or time on a calendar entry, you can drag and drop the entry to the desired date/time via the graphical calendar? The ability to drag and drop calendar entries saves you the time of having to open the record and manually change the necessary fields.   Read More...

Did you know that you can quickly add an image to the top of your statements, such as your firm’s letterhead? You can always use Statement Designer to customize your statements, but if you simply want to use an existing bitmap image, this can easily be added to your statements by selecting the desired bitmap via Print Setup.   Read More...

Would you like to see data in Microsoft® Excel® instead of in report format? Do you occasionally need to manipulate how data is organized for reporting purposes? Tabs3 makes it easy to send information to Excel. From any of the Tabs3 and PracticeMaster programs, you can use the Print to File option to easily send a report to Excel, or copy items from lists and paste the information into Excel.   Read More...