We need to find a specific statement, but the only reference we received is a statement number. How can we search by statement number? Read More...
Our firm has recently started synchronizing contacts with Outlook. How can we prevent specific PracticeMaster contacts from synchronizing to Outlook? Read More...
Tabs3Pay now offers surcharging! Help your firm save on expenses while still providing clients the option to pay by credit card. Read More...
When your firm prints the same set of reports every year, quarter, month, week, or semi-regularly, report suites offer a one-step option to print out a predefined set of reports using the report definitions you have set up. Read More...
Did you know that you can quickly print a single check in Accounts Payable (AP) and Trust Accounting (Trust) without opening the Print Checks program? Read More...
Time is money, and how long it takes for your firm to complete tasks affects the bottom line. So how will Platinum software speed things up for your firm? Read More...