Did you know that you can purchase a Tabs3 Connect subscription even if your firm doesn’t use both Tabs3 Billing Platinum and PracticeMaster Platinum? Read More...
We're excited to announce that we will now provide our clients two ways to pay for our highest level of software, Platinum SQL. You can either pay a traditional upfront license with optional annual maintenance or a new monthly subscription plan. Read More...
Each month I need to run multiple reports and upload them to a website. Is there any way I can reduce the number of keystrokes required to do this? Read More...
You may be using the default statements that came with the software, but did you know that there are many ways to customize statements? Read More...
If you mark clients as Inactive, you likely do not want to see them most of the time. In both Tabs3 Billing and PracticeMaster, you can use filters to include or exclude inactive clients. Read More...
When setting up the software for the first time, the Key Type defaults to Numeric with 2 Decimal Places. However, some firms prefer to include letters in the Client ID or require additional decimal places. Both the Key Type and Decimal Places can be changed after the initial setup is complete, but there are a few things to keep in mind when considering making a change. Read More...