Spotlight: Statement Manager

October 2023    Tags: ,

Want a quick and easy way to review your clients’ statements, and take action if necessary? Check out the Statement Manager!

The Statement Manager allows you to see a list of statements to determine what has been billed and paid. This makes it easy to quickly locate statements that have been final billed and updated. You can work with statements here using the actions in the Quick Clicks pane, or drill down to the Statement Information window for additional information. A Search box is available to quickly locate information anywhere in the list, such as finding a specific statement number when you receive a check.

Using the Quick Clicks on the right-hand side, you can:

  • Take Action on one or more selected statement(s), such as reprinting a statement, making payments, writing off balances, or undoing updated statements.
  • Utilize a QuickView, which combines a Filter, Column Layout, and default sort into a customized view that you can easily switch to at any time.
  • Create a Filter to narrow down which records are displayed. Save filters for the whole firm to use, or just for your own use.
  • Change the Column Layout used, which modifies the columns shown in the statement list.
  • Customize your List Preferences to change how the list is displayed, and Manage Quick Clicks to customize the contents of the Quick Clicks pane. Customization is saved for each user.

Click here to view the “Using the Statement Manager” training video.

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