We just realized that the last few vendor numbers were entered outside of our numbering scheme. Is there a way to change the vendor numbers, or will we have to delete them and recreate them one at a time? Read More...
We have an invoice that should not be included in a vendor's 1099 totals. Is there a way to exclude this amount? Read More...
Did you know that you can have certain software features automatically run as soon as a Tabs3 Software application is opened? Read More...
Did you know that you can quickly start other Tabs3 Software applications from within any application? Read More...
Did you know that you can change your view to see either more fields or fewer fields in certain files? Read More...
We opened a new bank account recently that is going to be our main operating account. We added the account to AP; however, when we add new invoices, they default to the old account. Is there a way to set the new bank account as the default? Read More...