Have you recently purchased a license for ODBC, or are thinking about it? Data files for the Tabs3 Software are ODBC capable. ODBC capability allows you to retrieve information from the Tabs3 Software data files using applications such as MSQuery, Crystal Reports, Microsoft Excel, etc.; however, you cannot write information to the Tabs3 Software data files via an ODBC driver. Writing directly to the data files will corrupt the data. The ODBC driver is written by FairCom Corporation, the manufacturer of the c-tree file storage method used by the Tabs3 Software. An ODBC driver license for the software can be purchased from the consultant from which you purchased the software license or from our Sales Department.
Knowledge Base Article R10017, “Working with ODBC,” provides setup information for the ODBC driver, as well as troubleshooting to get you started. If you’re working with Platinum SQL ODBC drivers, check out R11397, “Working with Platinum SQL ODBC Drivers,” instead.
Our Knowledge Base can be accessed at support.Tabs3.com. You can also access our Knowledge Base in the Quick Launch by searching for and selecting “Knowledge Base.”
What are expressions, and how can your firm use them to improve your day-to-day activities? An expression is a set of criteria you define that tells the software what records to display, and in some cases, how to display it. Filters are the most common expressions, but expressions can also be used in Report Writer reports, WorkFlows, Word Document Assembly, and Outlook Synchronization.
So how can you learn more about expressions? Knowledge Base Article R11493, “All About Expressions,” provides the basics on expressions by breaking information down to explain what expressions are, where they’re used, and common terminology associated with them. This article also shows you how to create both simple and advanced expressions, provides filter examples, and has tips for making the most of filter expressions. To go one step further, for a list of more than 60 filter expression examples, including the file and scenario in which it would be used, visit Knowledge Base Article R11515, “Filter Expression Examples.” Take a little time to check out these resources so you can put this powerful feature to work for you and your firm!
Our Knowledge Base can be accessed at support.Tabs3.com. You can also access our Knowledge Base in the Quick Launch by searching for and selecting “Knowledge Base.”
Besides the many reports included in Tabs3 Software, you have several options for creating your own custom reports.
PracticeMaster comes with several built-in reports that will provide insight into the details of your clients, appointments, to-do lists, and pending assignments (e.g., calendar reports, client reports, and task lists). One of PracticeMaster’s most powerful features is a comprehensive Report Writer with the ability to create customized reports based on any information stored in PracticeMaster. You can create basic or complex reports using the Report Wizard or the Report Writer Editor. Furthermore, PracticeMaster comes with a collection of pre-defined reports that can be customized as needed.
Haven’t purchased a license of PracticeMaster yet? Not a problem! You can access the Report Writer using the free license of PracticeMaster that comes with Tabs3 Billing.
For more information on PracticeMaster Report Writer, refer to Knowledge Base Article R11446, “Working with PracticeMaster Report Writer,” or the PracticeMaster Report Writer Guide.
Output to Excel
Information from Tabs3 Software can be copied or printed to Microsoft® Excel. This allows you to rearrange columns as needed or compile data from several areas into one workbook.
For more information on Output to Excel, including a list of reports optimized for Excel output, refer to Knowledge Base Article R11280, “All About Outputting Tabs3 Software Data to Excel.”
Tabs3 Billing Report Writer
Right out of the box, Tabs3 Billing is equipped with more than 50 reports. However, if you need a report that is not already available in Tabs3 Billing, consider purchasing a license of Tabs3 Billing Custom Report Writer. The Tabs3 Billing Report Writer allows users of Tabs3 Billing to define and print reports and forms based on information in Tabs3 Billing. Reports can be saved in a report format or various file formats including fixed or variable length field format, Microsoft Word mail-merge format, WordPerfect merge format, and more. The Forms Writer portion of the software is ideal for printing mailing labels, client file labels, and much more.
For more information on Tabs3 Billing Report Writer, refer to Knowledge Base Article R10394, “Tabs3 Billing Custom Report Writer Product Information.”
GLS Report Writer
Tabs3 General Ledger (GL) automatically includes necessary financial reports such as General Ledger, Trial Balance, Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Cash Flows, Budget Report, and more. However, if you need a report that is not already in GL, consider purchasing a license of General Ledger Custom Report Writer. General Ledger Custom Report Writer is an application that interfaces with GL. It allows users of GL to define and print customized reports based on user defined formulas. Easily create and modify reports such as Current Ratio, Working Capital, Return on Owner’s Equity Ratio, Current Liability, and more. Balances from any balance sheet account (both detail and total accounts) can be used in formulas. Budget Figures, as well as Month-to-Date, Quarter-to-Date, and Year-to-Date balances from income statement accounts (both detail and total accounts) can also be used.
For more information on General Ledger Report Writer, refer to Knowledge Base Article R10395, “Tabs3 General Ledger Custom Report Writer Product Information.”
ODBC Driver
Data files for the Tabs3 Software are ODBC capable. Purchasing a license of the ODBC Driver lets you export data from Tabs3 Billing, PracticeMaster, and Tabs3 Financial software using various third-party ODBC compliant applications such as Crystal Reports Pro Report Writer, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft Query. The ODBC driver is written by FairCom Corporation, the manufacturer of the c-tree file storage method used by Tabs3 Software.
For accelerated server-side ODBC performance, consider upgrading to the Platinum SQL edition of Tabs3 Software. Platinum SQL provides detailed access rights for ODBC users and a license of the ODBC driver for each user. For example, one user can have rights to the Tabs3 Billing data files without having access rights to the Tabs3 General Ledger data files. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the SQL ODBC driver are included with the Platinum SQL software.
For more information on ODBC, refer to Knowledge Base Article R10017, “Working with ODBC,” or R11397, “Working with Platinum SQL ODBC Drivers.”
More Info
For more information or to purchase a license of PracticeMaster, Tabs3 Report Writer, General Ledger Report Writer, or an ODBC driver, contact your consultant or Sales at (402) 419-2200.
The Platinum edition of Tabs3 Software provides a multitude of benefits when working with reports. If reporting is important to your firm, take a look at the following reasons to upgrade now!
Platinum Report Accelerators
Platinum accelerators make processing reports and statements an average of 10 – 30 times faster. The reason for the speed boost is that all of the processing is done at the server instead of sending data back and forth across the network. This significantly affects the time it takes to run reports.
Take a look at actual benchmark numbers in Knowledge Base Article R11142, “Tabs3 Performance Comparison.” You might be surprised!
For more information on how accelerators work and a list of accelerated reports, see Knowledge Base Article R11182, “Tabs3 Billing and PracticeMaster Accelerators.”
Platinum Exclusive Report Options
When you upgrade to Platinum, you get bonus reporting options in Tabs3 Billing:
For more information on the Accounts Receivable by Timekeeper Report and Enhanced Detail Accounts Receivable Report, see Knowledge Base Article R11379, “Platinum Overview.” If you have any questions regarding Platinum features, contact your Tabs3 Software consultant, or call Support at (402) 419-2210.
The Platinum version of Tabs3 and PracticeMaster software provides a multitude of benefits when working with reports. If reporting is important to your firm, take a look at the following reasons to upgrade now!
Platinum Report Accelerators
Platinum accelerators make processing reports and statements an average of 10 – 30 times faster. The reason for the speed boost is that all of the processing is done at the server instead of sending data back and forth across the network. This significantly affects the time it takes to run reports.
Take a look at actual benchmark numbers in Knowledge Base Article R11142, “Tabs3 Performance Comparison.” You might be surprised!
For more information on how accelerators work and a list of accelerated reports, see Knowledge Base Article R11182, “Tabs3 and PracticeMaster Accelerators.”
Platinum Exclusive Report Options
When you upgrade to Platinum, you get two bonus reporting options in Tabs3:
These reporting options are only available with Platinum because they are very data intensive with complex calculations. Processing these reports using the report accelerator allows the reports to be generated much more quickly, making them fully accessible in Platinum.
For more information on the Accounts Receivable by Timekeeper Report and Enhanced Detail Accounts Receivable Report, see Knowledge Base Article R11379, “Platinum Overview.”
Platinum SQL ODBC
Are you looking for a way to compile all of the information you need onto one report, rather than using multiple reports? Do you prefer to manipulate report data using tools you are more familiar with, such as Microsoft® Excel® or Access®? You may find a solution with the ODBC driver.
All Tabs3 and PracticeMaster software is ODBC capable. This means an ODBC driver can be used to export the information into various environments that allow for ODBC. Many users have utilized the ODBC driver to create reports in programs such as Crystal Reports®, Access, and Excel. This can allow for a single report with all of the desired data.
You can purchase individual licenses for the standard 32-bit version of ODBC, but what if you want to increase the processing speed and/or take advantage of 64-bit programs to access the data? Platinum SQL software includes an SQL ODBC driver. The Platinum SQL ODBC driver has the following advantages:
Accelerated SQL Processing – Platinum SQL provides significantly faster reports when using ODBC-capable software. The standard ODBC driver for Tabs3 and PracticeMaster software processes all queries at the workstation, but with Platinum SQL, all queries are processed at the server, thus improving performance and reducing network load.
64- & 32-bit Access – The SQL ODBC driver included with the Platinum SQL software is available in both 64-bit and 32-bit versions. Users with 64-bit workstations can install both drivers and will only need to configure the ODBC data source once.
Firm-wide License Included – The license for the standard ODBC driver is purchased per workstation. However, the ODBC driver included with the Platinum SQL software is licensed for use by the entire firm and is included at no extra charge.
Microsoft SQL Server Access via OLE DB – Platinum SQL supports OLE DB access. In addition to standard ODBC access, Tabs3 and PracticeMaster data is also accessible from OLE DB compatible software using the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC. This includes Microsoft SQL Server software.
Note: Tabs3 and PracticeMaster data files are ODBC capable as read-only. It is not possible to write to Tabs3 or PracticeMaster data files using an ODBC driver. If you have questions about creating reports using ODBC, contact your local consultant.
For more information on what ODBC can do for you, see Knowledge Base Article R10017, “Working with ODBC.” For more information on Platinum SQL, see Knowledge Base Article R11417, “Platinum SQL Overview.”
For more information about Platinum features, see Knowledge Base Article R11379, “Platinum Overview.” If you have any questions regarding Platinum features, contact your local consultant, or contact Technical Support at (402) 419-2210.
Do you want to take advantage of all the features of Platinum, while also taking full advantage of your server’s memory? If you have a 64-bit server, such as Windows Server 2012, you can improve the performance of accelerated reports and filtering with Platinum SQL! The standard multi-user and Platinum versions of Tabs3 and PracticeMaster are 32-bit programs. That means they can only allocate 2GB of available memory, regardless of whether they run on a 32-bit or 64-bit operating system. The Platinum SQL software can be configured to allocate additional memory beyond the 2GB limit for caching, and larger firms will often require more than 2GB of memory allocation to cache their commonly used data and index files. Since Platinum SQL is a 64-bit program, it can access memory on the 64-bit server beyond the 2GB limit, which means it can cache more of your data, thus improving the performance of accelerated reports and filtering! Utilities for monitoring server usage and performance are included with the software, allowing you to determine the effectiveness of your cache settings.
Get maximum data security with Platinum SQL! Platinum SQL allows you to encrypt the Tabs3 and PracticeMaster data, providing your data with an extra layer of security. Platinum SQL software uses the 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to encrypt data. Once data files are encrypted, they can only be read by the Tabs3 and PracticeMaster Platinum SQL software.
Platinum SQL also includes the Platinum SQL Server, which maintains a set of SQL tables linked to your Tabs3 and PracticeMaster data. To allow access to these SQL tables, Platinum SQL includes 32-bit and 64-bit SQL ODBC drivers, which allow you to write custom reports in both 64-bit and 32-bit programs (e.g., Crystal Reports and Microsoft Excel 2010 64-bit Edition) as well as OLE DB compatible software (e.g., Microsoft SQL Server) using SQL queries. Furthermore, these queries are processed directly at the server, which improves performance and reduces network traffic. Not only is the SQL ODBC driver included in the Platinum SQL package, but you also receive a firm-wide license for it! This allows multiple users to access SQL ODBC without having to purchase additional licenses. Manager-level SQL access rights can be assigned for each system in System Configuration, allowing you to grant SQL access to only those who need it.
With faster speeds, data encryption, enhanced ODBC capabilities, and the added ability to run SQL queries, Platinum SQL is the ideal solution for any firm that wants to enhance their performance, security, and/or take customized reporting to the next level.
To order the Platinum SQL software for your firm, contact your local reseller and consultant, or call our Sales Department at (402) 419-2200. An overview of the Platinum SQL software is also provided in our Knowledge Base at support.Tabs3.com in KB Article R11417, “Platinum SQL Overview.”