In a law firm, there can be an overwhelming amount of information to keep track of and work with – case information, contact information, upcoming meetings, research, emails, and documents galore. PracticeMaster can help make you more organized than you’ve ever been before. PracticeMaster provides the tools you need to manage it all.   Read More...

What are indexes, and how can they help your firm? The indexes in PracticeMaster control the order in which records are displayed on the List tab of each file.   Read More...

If you are new to using lists in Tabs3 Billing or PracticeMaster, creating and using QuickViews can help save you time by filtering and sorting information just the way that you need.   Read More...

QuickViews provide a powerful way of organizing and finding information. QuickViews combine a filter, column layout, and sort option into a tab at the top of the window.   Read More...

Feature Article: QuickViews

March 2019    Tags: , ,
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If you haven't tried out QuickViews yet, you haven’t unlocked PracticeMaster's full potential! PracticeMaster QuickViews provide a powerful way of organizing and finding information in PracticeMaster using the List tab. QuickViews combine a filter, column layout, and an index (default sort) into a tab at the top of the List tab.   Read More...