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Tag: Tabs3 Billing

We have just added several new features! Use the Check for Updates feature (Help | Check for Updates) to make sure you are running the most recent release of Version 2020.   Read More...

Accepting and managing credit card and eCheck payments from your clients has never been easier!   Read More...

What is the Client Inactivity Report, and why should you use it? The Client Inactivity Report can be used to identify clients and matters with no activity in a specified time frame, which can help keep clients from slipping through the cracks.   Read More...

When was the last time you backed up your Tabs3 and PracticeMaster data and tested the viability of your backup? If your firm had to restore from a backup right now, would any data be lost? Regular backups are critical for your firm to make and maintain properly.   Read More...

Did you know that there are many ways in which you can filter your data in order to make it easier to find what you need?   Read More...

As your firm deals with the spread of COVID-19, we want to help you prepare to work from home.   Read More...