Working with WorkFlows: Automatically Add Witness Records

June 2019    Tags: ,

We use the People tab in the Client file to store information for witnesses. However, I have to create a People record every time I add a new witness to the Contact file. Is there any way to do that automatically?

A WorkFlow can be set up to create a People record every time a contact is added with a Category of Witness. When a People record is created, it requires a Client ID be selected for it to proceed. Once the Client ID is selected, the record can be created and saved automatically or be left open for additional information to be added before saving the record.

To automatically create a People record based on a Witness Contact Category

  1. From the PracticeMaster Maintenance menu, select WorkFlows.
  2. Expand the Lookup Files folder, select the Contact file and then click the New button.
  3. Enter a Name for the WorkFlow (e.g., “Auto-Add Witness Record”).
  4. In the Source section:
    1. Select the Filtered Records option and click the Filter button.
    2. Click the New Row button and select a Field Name of RP_Cat.
    3. Select a Test Condition of  “contains”.
    4. In the Test Value field, enter “Witness”.
    5. Click the Save button.
  5. In the Event section:
    1. Select Record Added.
    2. Select Selected Field(s) and select RP_Cat.
  6. In the Actions section, click the New button.
    1. Select Create New Record and click Next.
    2. Expand the Common Client Related Files folder from the drop-down list, select People, and then click OK.
    3. Click the Define Template button.
      1. Click the set button next to the Contact field.
        1. In the Template Expression Editor window, click the Field button.
        2. Select a Field Name of Contact ID and click Insert.
        3. Click OK.
      2. Click the set button next to the How Related field.
        1. In the Template Expression Editor window, click the Value button, and select Witness from the drop-down list.
        2. Click OK on the Value window.
        3. Click OK on the Template Expression Editor window.
      3. Click the set button next to the Notes field.
        1. In the Template Expression Editor window, click the Value button, and enter “Witness”.
        2. Click OK on the Value window.
        3. Click OK on the Template Expression Editor window.
      4. Press Ctrl+S.
    4. Click Finish.
  7. Click Save, and then close the WorkFlows window.

You now have a WorkFlow that will automatically create a People record for you when a contact is added as a Witness.

For more information on WorkFlows, refer to our PracticeMaster WorkFlows Guide at or Knowledge Base Article R11307, “All About WorkFlows.”

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