Quick Tip: Printing Envelopes

February 2018    Tags: , ,
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Did you know that envelopes can automatically be printed for each statement generated using the client’s Bill To address?   Read More...

Did you know that you can print a check directly from the Invoice/Manual Check window in Accounts Payable Software (APS) and the Trust Transactions window in Trust Accounting Software (TAS)?   Read More...

System Configuration isn’t a program you work in everyday like Tabs3 Billing, but is geared toward setting up certain features of the software. So what settings are controlled in System Configuration, and how do you access it?   Read More...

When entering fees and costs for task based billing clients, do you have to scroll through all of the Phase/Task or Activity Codes for other categories to get to the set of task codes applicable for your client? If you use Billing Categories for your clients, you can assign categories to your Task Code Sets so that when entering fees and costs, only the task codes that are associated with that client’s Billing Category are displayed.   Read More...

If you accept credit cards, do you have a credit card form on the statements you send to your clients? Many clients prefer to pay by credit card, and if there isn’t an easy way to do so, you may not be getting paid as quickly as you could be.   Read More...

If you mark clients as Inactive, you likely do not want to see them most of the time. In both Tabs3 Billing and PracticeMaster, you can use filters to include or exclude inactive clients.   Read More...

Did you know that you can print a Memo line on Accounts Payable Software (APS) checks? Although you can enter text in the Memo field of your invoices, you must be using Check Layout L1572 with the option to print the Memo field selected in order for memos to be printed on your checks.   Read More...

Every so often we debut new features to help improve how you use this online newsletter format. We’re excited to debut our new ratings system!   Read More...

Are you using groups for calendaring, or do you enter each user individually in the record?   Read More...