Spotlight: Statement Templates

August 2017    Tags: ,
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Did you know that you can customize your Statement Templates to define how fees, costs, and payments are displayed on your statement and to determine whether billing history, transaction recaps, and more are included?   Read More...

When setting up the software for the first time, the Key Type defaults to Numeric with 2 Decimal Places. However, some firms prefer to include letters in the Client ID or require additional decimal places. Both the Key Type and Decimal Places can be changed after the initial setup is complete, but there are a few things to keep in mind when considering making a change.   Read More...

Do you want a way to streamline trust payments to Tabs3 Billing? Trust Accounting Software (TAS) provides the ability to automatically draw funds from a trust account when final statements are generated in Tabs3.   Read More...

Spotlight: Let Tech Support Be Your Superhero

April 2017    Tags:
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We recently reached out to local firms and encountered instances where hours were being spent on tasks that could have been accomplished in a matter of minutes. Because there are many features in the software that can streamline your tasks, a quick conversation with Tech Support could save you time!   Read More...

Everyone can view your public calendar records, but did you know that you can control who has rights to edit your public calendar records and who has rights to browse or edit your private records?   Read More...