You meet up with a client away from the office, they want to write a check for what they owe, but you don’t have the balance due with you. What do you do? Simply log into Tabs3 Connect, and have the amount in a matter of seconds! Read More...
When it comes to tracking your advances, Tabs3 Software provides the tools you need to accurately manage your advanced client costs from start to finish. Read More...
We added a new way to view clients, contacts, fees, costs, payments, client funds, and write offs without having to run a report! Read More...
If you need to report on fees, costs, or payments, the Transaction File List or Task Code Billing Report is your answer. Read More...
Often, the most common source of unbilled costs are the everyday tasks done in your office. Photocopies, faxes, phone calls, and many other tasks can easily be overlooked when entering costs for a client. Read More...
Transferring and replicating fees and costs just got easier in Tabs3 Billing! With the release of Version 19.1.11, two new buttons have been added to the Fee and Cost Entry windows, allowing you to quickly transfer or replicate an entry. Read More...
Did you know that you can write all matters for a client up or down at the same time? Read More...
In most data entry files, like the Journal, Document Management, and Calendar files, you can easily change the Client ID by opening a record and changing it or via the Change Client ID feature. However, before now, there wasn’t a way to change the Client ID for a fee or cost in PracticeMaster without deleting the record and starting over. We recently enhanced Version 19 ( so that you can now use the Change Client ID feature in the PracticeMaster Fee and Cost files! Read More...
We added a couple of new features to the Print Checks process in Version 19! Read More...