Whether you’ve just upgraded to Platinum, or you’ve had Platinum for a while and just haven’t started using Tabs3 Connect yet, one of your first questions may be how to set up Tabs3 Connect.   Read More...

We added a brand new synchronization option for the Microsoft 365 Exchange Connector. This new feature is specifically designed to simplify the setup and improve the reliability when synchronizing with Exchange Online / Microsoft 365.   Read More...

You meet up with a client away from the office, they want to write a check for what they owe, but you don’t have the balance due with you. What do you do? Simply log into Tabs3 Connect, and have the amount in a matter of seconds!   Read More...

Do you have a question about the software? Any questions that you want to ask have likely been asked by others as well.   Read More...

Platinum: Resources for Platinum

January 2022    Tags: , ,
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There are many great features in Tabs3 Platinum, but when you want more information, where do you start?   Read More...

You’re away from the office and need to review an email that was sent regarding a client, but trying to find it in Outlook on your phone or tablet can be cumbersome and time consuming. Tabs3 Connect can get you what you need faster!   Read More...

Being able to easily access the eNote window is essential for quick communication. Pinning the eNote icon to your Windows Taskbar makes accessing your eNotes faster than ever!   Read More...

Platinum: Log Off Users

November 2021    Tags: ,
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When you need to perform an exclusive task, such as running the Data File Integrity Check, it’s not always a simple task to get everyone out of the software. With Platinum, you can safely log off users from your computer via the Log Off Users feature.   Read More...