You can easily journal multiple email messages using the Outlook Toolbar.
To journal multiple email messages
If you have multiple clients to journal emails for, repeat these steps for each matter.
Did you know that you can quickly convert Journal, Calendar, and Document Management records into billable fees? Use the Convert to Fee option in PracticeMaster to convert emails, research records, timers, notes, meetings, tasks, documents, and more into fees. Converting records into fees helps make sure your clients are being billed for the time you spend on their matters.
Converting a record to a fee
When you convert a record to a fee, a Convert to Fee window is opened which shows the same fields as the Fee file. If the original record does not contain a Client ID, you will be prompted to select a client before the Convert to Fee window is opened. When applicable, the Date and Description fields are automatically populated from the original record. You can then enter any other information for the fee record such as the Timekeeper, Tcode, Hours to Bill, etc. and save.
There are multiple ways to convert a record into a fee.
When a record is converted to a fee, a new fee is created without removing the record from the Journal, Calendar, or Document Management file.
Convert to Fee Settings
Default settings can be specified for calendar, email, note, phone, research, timer, and document records via Convert to Fee Settings (In the Quick Launch, search for and select “Convert to Fee Settings”). Settings are saved per user, so each login user has their own default settings. Default settings are broken down by record type (e.g., timer, email, document, etc.) and provide defaults for tcode, timekeeper, description, time to bill, and more.
Make sure you don’t have billable time that’s slipping away. Start converting records to fees and see how much additional time you can bill for.
From taking notes about an upcoming meeting, to storing emails, to recording details about a phone conversation, PracticeMaster Journal records are essential for managing your clients and contacts on a daily basis.
The Working with the Journal File video walks you through the process of accessing and creating new records from the Journal File, Matter Manager, Client File and more! Since each type of Journal record is optimized to fit your needs, records like phone tasks or timers can easily be converted to billable time with one click. Additionally, using Tabs3 Connect, you can access your journal information on the go!
Watch this four-minute video here:
Training Videos can be accessed at You can also access the videos in the Quick Launch by searching for and selecting “Training Videos.”
When linking is enabled on the PracticeMaster toolbar in Outlook, the email and the journal record in PracticeMaster are linked. This means that after you create a journal, calendar, or fee record from an email in Outlook, clicking the Journal, Calendar, or Fee button on the toolbar again will open the record you created in PracticeMaster instead of creating a new record. By default, linking is enabled.
To configure the default behavior for Record Linking on
For more information regarding the Outlook Toolbar Plug-in, see Knowledge Base Article R11516, “Configuring the PracticeMaster Outlook Plug-in.”
Version 2022 has some great new features to check out!
Unified Contacts
Enhanced Lists
New Filters and QuickViews
1099-NEC Forms
Updated Calendar Code File
Exchange Online Integration
Updated Installer
For in-depth information on all of the new Version 2022 features, including screenshots, refer to Knowledge Base Article R11880, “Version 2022 Introduction to New Features.” A list with links to all Version 2022 information can be found in R11885, “Version 2022 Information and Resources.”
To download Version 2022, visit or contact your local consultant.
You’re away from the office and need to review an email that was sent regarding a client, but trying to find it in Outlook on your phone or tablet can be cumbersome and time consuming. Tabs3 Connect can get you what you need faster!
Emails that have been journaled to PracticeMaster and assigned to a client are all easily accessed in one place – the Matter Manager. Tabs3 Connect provides access to the Matter Manager from any browser and from wherever you are, be it court, an outside business meeting, lunch, or your favorite vacation spot. Simply log in to Tabs3 Connect and click the icon to open the Matter Manager. Select the Client ID, and then click the Journal button. You can now see and search all items that were journaled for this client, including email journal records.
For more information on Tabs3 Connect, contact your consultant, call Technical Support at (402) 419-2210, or visit Knowledge Base Article R11480, “All About Tabs3 Connect.”
With PracticeMaster, you can use timers to track the time you spend on research, planning, correspondence, and more. However, if you don’t turn timers into fees, you may be missing out on valuable time that can be billed to your clients.
Process Timer Records (from the Quick Launch, search for and select “Process Timer Records”) provides the ability to convert your timer and other journal records into fees. You can optionally process records into individual fees or combine multiple timer records into a single fee, provided the records are for the same client.
To select a record in the Process Timer Records window, click in the column or click the
to place a check mark next to the record. If you want to remove the check mark from a record, click in the
column again or click the
. Once one or more records have been selected:
When clicking the Combine to Fee or Convert to Fee buttons, a Convert to Fee window will be opened, allowing you to edit the Fee before saving. Default Fee values for each record type (Email, Phone, Research, Timer, and more) can be specified via the Convert to Fee Settings utility (from the Quick Launch, search for and select “Convert to Fee Settings”). Specifying default values such as the tcode, timekeeper, description, and minimum time to bill can help streamline your Process Timer Records routine.
If you’re not already using the Process Timer Records feature, consider adding it to your process to help make sure you’re getting paid for your time.
Is your desk cluttered with sticky notes, miscellaneous pieces of paper, and phone messages? Clear your work area, consolidate your notes, and link them to the appropriate clients and contacts by using the PracticeMaster Journal file!
The following types of records can be added to the Journal file (File | Open | Journal) by clicking the (New) button:
Alternatively, Time Tasks, Phone Tasks, and Research Tasks can be created via the Timer (File | Timer). When integrated with Tabs3 Billing, any Client Notes from Tabs3 Billing (File | Open | Client | Client Notes tab) can also be viewed, but not edited, in the PracticeMaster Journal file.
Not only can you move information from paper to PracticeMaster, but every journal record provides a Client ID and Contact field. This links the record directly to the client’s matter and/or contact for which it applies and allows others to access the same information when they need it. Simply open the Client and/or Contact file and click on the Journal tab to see all journal records pertaining to this client, or select a Journal Page tab (e.g., Email, Phone, Timer, etc.) to see specific record types. You can configure which tabs to display in the Client file by opening Configure Client Pages (Edit | Configure Client Pages) from the List tab, and in the Contact file by opening Configure Contact Pages (Edit | Configure Contact Pages).
Use PracticeMaster to help organize your notes, research, and more – declutter your workspace, and allow others access to valuable information!
When it comes to maximizing your billable hours, it’s important to have a reliable timer feature that allows you to easily convert your time into fees.
The Using Timers in PracticeMaster video shows how easy it is to record time spent in meetings, on phone calls, and doing other work, as well as how to quickly convert and process your timer records.
Watch this four-minute video here:
Training Videos can be accessed at You can also access the videos while in the software by selecting Help | Training Videos.
Did you know that you can add tabs to the Client, Contact, and Journal files that are specific to an Area of Practice, Contact Category, or Journal Type?
These tabs are called category pages. Category pages are a special type of page that is only shown in the Editor window when the selected client or record is associated with that category. You can use the Form Designer to customize how the pages will look.
Setting up a category page provides a way of showing only those fields that are relevant to the selected “category,” thus reducing the number of visible pages.
In order to create a category page, you must first add any fields specific to the category page to the associated file using File Maintenance (e.g., add the desired fields to the Contact file). Once the fields have been added, the category page and fields must be added to the data entry window using the Form Designer.
To create a category page
Additional information regarding category pages can be found in Knowledge Base Article R10566, “Category Pages in PracticeMaster.”
When linking is enabled on the PracticeMaster toolbar in Outlook, the email and the journal record in PracticeMaster are linked. This means that after you create a journal, calendar, or fee record from an email in Outlook, clicking the Journal, Calendar, or Fee button on the toolbar again will open the record you created in PracticeMaster instead of creating a new record. By default, linking is enabled.
When linking is disabled, clicking the Journal, Calendar, or Fee button will create a new record in PracticeMaster instead of opening an existing record. This allows you to create as many records as you need per email.
You can toggle Record Linking off and on for a single email by clicking the Linking On/Linking Off button on the PracticeMaster tab while viewing the email in Outlook.
However, keep in mind that when changing the Linking status, the default settings will determine what happens to the next email. Depending on your settings, turning Linking off may mean that the next email will also default to Linking Off, or it could automatically default back to Linking On.
To configure the default behavior for Record Linking
For more information regarding the Outlook Toolbar Plug-in, see Knowledge Base Article R11516, “Configuring the Outlook Toolbar Plug-in.”
Is your desk cluttered with sticky notes, miscellaneous pieces of paper, and phone messages? Clear your work area, consolidate your notes, and link them to the appropriate clients and contacts by using the PracticeMaster Journal file!
The following types of records can be added to the Journal file (File | Open | Journal) by clicking the (New) button:
Alternatively, Time Tasks, Phone Tasks, and Research Tasks can be created via the Timer (File | Timer). When integrated with Tabs3, any Client Notes from Tabs3 (File | Open | Client | Client Notes tab) can also be viewed, but not edited, in the PracticeMaster Journal file.
Not only can you move information from paper to PracticeMaster, but every journal record provides a Client ID and Contact field. This links the record directly to the client’s matter and/or contact for which it applies and allows others to access the same information when they need it. Simply open the Client and/or Contact file and click on the Journal tab to see all journal records pertaining to this client, or select a Journal Page tab (e.g., E-mail, Phone, Timer, etc.) to see specific record types. You can configure which tabs to display in the Client file by opening Configure Client Pages (Edit | Configure Client Pages) from the List tab, and in the Contact file by opening Configure Contact Pages (Edit | Configure Contact Pages).
Use PracticeMaster to help organize your notes, research, and more – unclutter your workspace and allow others access to valuable information!
Before you can configure the toolbar to automatically journal all outgoing e-mails, you will need to install the Outlook Plug-in.
To install the PracticeMaster Outlook Plug-in
Once the Outlook Plug-in has been installed, you can specify whether new messages will be automatically journaled or not. Additionally, you can specify whether or not the records will be linked. When Linking is enabled, PracticeMaster will maintain a link between the e-mail and the Journal/Calendar/Fee record. When Linking is enabled and you try to create a PracticeMaster record from an e-mail a second time, the existing record will be opened instead. When Linking is disabled, multiple records for the same e-mail may be created.
To automatically journal outgoing e-mails
Keep in mind that these are the default settings. When sending an e-mail, you can click on the PracticeMaster tab in the new message window and select to turn Journaling and/or Linking off for this message. The next e-mail you send will revert back to the default settings.
For more information regarding the features available in PracticeMaster’s Outlook Plug-in, refer to Knowledge Base article R11516, “Configuring the PracticeMaster Outlook Plug-in.”
Did you know that you can convert calendar, e-mail, note, phone, research, timer, and document records into fees? This allows you to easily bill your client for the time spent on their matter.
The Converting Records to Billable Fees video shows you how to convert records to fees via the Matter Manager, Calendar and Journal file, and the Process Timer Records utility. Additionally, this video walks you through the Convert to Fee Settings, which allow you to specify default settings to be used (e.g., Tcode, Minimum Time to Bill, etc.) for each type of record.
Watch this eight-minute video here:
Training Videos can be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, at You can also access Training Videos while in the software by selecting Help | Documentation and then clicking the See also link for Tabs3 and PracticeMaster Training Videos.
Did you know that you can access your client’s billing summary, documents, journal records, and Area of Practice (AOP) files via Tabs3 Connect? You probably already know that you can easily access client, contact, fee, cost, and calendar information from the standard Tabs3 Connect links as well as from within the Tabs3 Connect Matter Manager, but the Matter Manager provides access to much more.
From the Tabs3 Connect Matter Manager:
Tabs3 Connect goes beyond accessing simple client and contact information, and it’s more than just a quick way to enter fees, costs, and calendar entries. Take advantage of the Matter Manager in Tabs3 Connect while you’re out of the office to get all of the information you need, when you need it.
For more information on Tabs3 Connect, contact your reseller and consultant, contact Technical Support at (402) 419-2210, or visit Knowledge Base Article R11480, “All About Tabs3 Connect.”
You may already know that you can securely download PracticeMaster linked files and e-mail attachments onto your Internet-enabled device through Tabs3 Connect, but you may not realize the full potential. E-mails can be journaled to PracticeMaster by all users, which means that you can download e-mail attachments regardless of whose e-mail address received them. This allows you to quickly access information that was sent to any firm member without needing the e-mail to be forwarded to you.
For more information on Tabs3 Connect, contact your reseller and consultant, contact Technical Support at (402) 419-2210, or visit Knowledge Base Article R11480, “All About Tabs3 Connect.”
Did you know that you can add the PracticeMaster Toolbar icons to the Quick Access Toolbar in Microsoft Office 2007 and later? To add any of the PM Open, PM Save, PM Journal, PM Calendar, and/or PM Fee buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar, simply right-click the icon on the PracticeMaster ribbon and select Add to Quick Access Toolbar.
You may work with multiple matters throughout the day, so how can you ensure that you are keeping an accurate account of how much time is spent on each task? The PracticeMaster Timer window (File | Timer) can be used to track Time Tasks, Phone Tasks, and Research Tasks. Each record is saved to the Journal file and can include the Client, Work Description, Contact, a Description of the task, and more. Start and stop the timer for tasks throughout the day from the Timer window as needed.
Once you’re ready to bill a client for your time, you can easily turn timer records into fees using the Process Fee Records program (File | Process Timer Records). When processed, a record is created in the Fee file for the designated client, and a timer record is maintained in the Journal file. This makes it easy to keep track of your time, and to accurately bill clients for work. Using the PracticeMaster Timer means you will never again have to guess at how much time you spent on tasks.
Did you know that you can add tabs to the Client file, Contact file, and Journal file that are specific to an Area of Practice, Contact Category, or Journal Type? These tabs are called Category Pages. Category Pages are a special type of page that is only shown in the Editor window when the selected client or record is associated with that category. You can use the Form Designer to design how the pages will look.
Setting up a Category Page provides a way of showing only those fields that are relevant to the selected “category,” thus reducing the number of visible pages.
In order to create a Category page, you must first add the fields for the Category page to the associated file using File Maintenance (e.g., add the desired fields to the Contact file). Once the fields have been added, the Category page and fields must be added to the data entry window using the Form Designer.
To create a Category Page
Additional information regarding Category Pages can be found in Knowledge Base Article R10566, “Category Pages in PracticeMaster.”
Need to jot something down about a matter after meeting with a client? Want to record information about a billable phone call? Find a great website that applies to a case that you don’t want to lose? All of these can be recorded and associated with the desired matter right away, even when you’re not at your computer. In Tabs3 Connect, not only do you have access to all of your firm’s journal notes, e-mails, phone tasks, time tasks, and research tasks via Matter Manager, but you can also add notes, phone tasks, and research tasks on the go.
Never misplace a note again! From the Matter Manager in Tabs3 Connect, simply tap Journal to see all of the selected client’s journal records, and then tap New to add a new record for the client.
For more information on Tabs3 Connect, contact your reseller, consultant, or Technical Support at (402) 419-2210, or visit Knowledge Base Article R11480, “All About Tabs3 Connect.”