Spotlight: Report Suites Save Time

May 2018    Tags: ,
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Creating report definitions for each of the reports your firm runs can help save considerable time, and taking advantage of Report Suites in Tabs3 saves even more time. When your firm prints the same set of reports every year, quarter, month, week, or semi-regularly, report suites offer a one-step option to printing out a predefined set of reports using the report definitions you already have set up.   Read More...

Want to know if Platinum is right for your firm? Try out the Tabs3 and PracticeMaster Platinum software risk free for 30 days! This offer allows you to use all of the Platinum features with your own data for 30 days before determining whether Platinum will be a permanent upgrade.   Read More...

Is it time to review billing rates? The Client Rate Report allows you print a list of clients, along with their default billing rates.   Read More...

You have a special font you downloaded for your firm to use for statements and reports. Although you print some statements and reports, you also e-mail PDFs of statements and reports to certain clients and third parties. However, did you know that that if the e-mail recipient doesn’t have that font installed, the font will be replaced by a different one?   Read More...

Do you need a report that shows one or more clients’ billing histories, as well as a way to track the client’s balances due? Look no further than the Client Ledger Report!   Read More...

Did you know that you can set up your General Ledger Software (GLS) accounts in an alternate order for reporting purposes? This can be particularly useful when you need to subtotal accounts in more than one way.   Read More...

Spotlight: Calendar Reports

February 2018    Tags: , ,
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Did you know that there are multiple calendar reports that can be printed in PracticeMaster? Different reports provide different ways to view your calendar entries and print them.   Read More...

During a typical monthly billing cycle, many steps are performed that lead to the production of statements. Once statements have been produced in their final form and sent to clients, do you follow the recommended steps to close the month in Tabs3?   Read More...

KB Corner: Comparing Tabs3 Report Information

December 2017    Tags: ,
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It’s common to want to compare report information, but not all reports in Tabs3 can be compared. A field on one report may be calculated one way, while on another report it is calculated another way. For example, on one report payments may be calculated based on transaction date, while on another report they are calculated by allocation date. So how do you know which reports can be compared?   Read More...