Did you know that you can split fees and costs between multiple matters in Tabs3 Billing? Split Billing provides the ability to enter fees and costs once, but split the charges between multiple matters.   Read More...

It is important to have a good backup of your data. To ensure that the data from your backup routine is good, you should periodically test your backup system.   Read More...

Did you know that the Tabs3 Billing software comes with a one-user "Try Before You Buy" basic license of PracticeMaster that is free to use?   Read More...

When it comes to tracking your matters, accounts receivable, work-in-process, and funds balances at a glance as well as providing quick access to individual entries for fees, costs, payments and more, the Tabs3 Billing Matter Manager can be used to organize your matters all from one place.   Read More...

Did you know that there are several keyboard shortcuts you can use to quickly adjust the date in any Date field?   Read More...