When I’m journaling emails from Outlook, the Client and Contact fields sometimes populate a value and sometimes don’t. What determines when those will have a default value or not? Read More...
Whenever I make changes in Outlook to my calendar items that have synchronized from PracticeMaster, the changes never go back to PracticeMaster. Should they sync? Read More...
My firm currently has an on-site Exchange Server that needs to be updated. Instead of replacing it, we're considering migrating to a Hosted Exchange server and possibly purchasing an Office 365 license. Does PracticeMaster integrate with these products? If so, does our IT need to do anything special for PracticeMaster when migrating to a hosted Exchange environment? Read More...
I normally only create PracticeMaster records for a single matter per Outlook email, but occasionally an email will apply to more than one matter. However, when I try to journal the email a second time, it opens the original journal record instead. Is there a way I can journal a single email to multiple matters? Read More...
Sometimes I need to email several documents from the Document Store in PracticeMaster to someone. Is there an easy way to add multiple managed documents to an email? Read More...
I've created several custom fields in my Calendar and Contact files (e.g., Docket No.). Is there a way I can get the new fields to sync over to Outlook? Read More...