When you’re not at the office and you need to record the time you spent on a matter or a cost you incurred, what do you do? Why, log into Tabs3 Connect on your phone or tablet, of course!   Read More...

Did you know that you can change how Tabs3 Connect appears on your Smartphone, tablet, or computer?   Read More...

Did you know that you can download and view documents for any of your clients from your phone, tablet, or laptop?   Read More...

Have you checked out Tabs3 Connect yet? Tabs3 Connect is a Platinum feature that provides access to Tabs3 and PracticeMaster anywhere you can connect to the Internet, and it’s easy to navigate. Simply browse to Tabs3Connect.com and log in to access your data!   Read More...

Whether you’ve just upgraded to Platinum, or you’ve had Platinum for a while and just haven’t started using Tabs3 Connect yet, one of your first questions may be how to set up Tabs3 Connect.   Read More...

You meet up with a client away from the office, they want to write a check for what they owe, but you don’t have the balance due with you. What do you do? Simply log into Tabs3 Connect, and have the amount in a matter of seconds!   Read More...