KB Corner: Configuring and Using Tabs3 Taskbill

September 2021    Tags: ,

Increasingly, insurance companies and other organizations are requiring that firms submit their bills electronically using specific formats. Tabs3 Taskbill software allows you to convert your updated statements into electronic bills that meet these requirements. There are multiple formats used for electronic bills, ranging from standardized formats used by multiple companies to formats specific to a single company. The amount of configuration required depends on the format you are using.

In Knowledge Base Article R11737, “Configuring and Using Taskbill,” you can select the Taskbill format instructions you want to view from either a list of known organizations, or by the name of the format. Once a format is selected, tailored step-by-step instructions with screenshots are displayed that walk you through configuring the format in both Taskbill and Tabs3 Billing, entering time in Tabs3 Billing, and exporting statements from Taskbill using the selected format.

For those of you who are not familiar with Taskbill, you can read more about it in R10435, “Tabs3 Taskbill Product Information.” If you submit bills electronically, but don’t have Taskbill, take a look at what we can do for you!

Our Knowledge Base can be accessed at support.Tabs3.com. You can also access our Knowledge Base while in the software by selecting Help | Internet Resources | Knowledge Base.

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