When using Print Checks, if the Select Invoices to Print check box is selected on the Options tab, the number of invoices selected and the total amount to pay for all selected invoices are displayed at the bottom of the Select Invoices window.   Read More...

We just ordered new Trust checks. Before we start printing checks, is there a way to make sure that everything will line up properly?   Read More...

Can we print a copy of the check stubs for our records?   Read More...

Did you know that you can choose whether or not to print the initials of the user who runs a report on the left side of the footer?   Read More...

Did you know that you can reprint client statements whenever needed?   Read More...

One of the most frequently asked questions our Support Department receives is, “Why isn’t my statement printing?”   Read More...

Did you know that you can quickly print a single check in Accounts Payable (AP) and Trust Accounting (Trust) without opening the Print Checks program?   Read More...

We recently installed Trust Accounting. We started printing checks, but noticed that they are printing in the order that we are entering them. Is it possible print them in order based on trust account?   Read More...